Saturday, June 18, 2005

Free Stuff For Going to ROTS?

This weekend, get free stuff for going to see ROTS? Count me in!

It looks like everyone that goes to see Revenge of the Sith this weekend will get a cool, "Who's Your Daddy" poster just for buying a ticket. Sounds good to me. I might not be able to head out to a theather this weekend, as I have to travel tomorrow for Father's Day and it's alreadly late today, but I'll probably look around in ebay for a poster after-the-fact.

Another promotion that dosn't end this weekend is this See It Again Pinball one. Looks like everytime you head out to see ROTS, save the ticket, send it in, and you could win a pretty cool pinball machine valued at over $2000 (That seems like alot to me...are all pinball machines this expensive?)

Looks like Lucas is trying to get ROTS back at the #1 spot in the box office. In recent weeks, it has slipt to number 3 and below, suffering from hits like "Mr. and Mrs." and "Cinderalla Man". Altough I can't frankly see why anyone would want to go see any of those movies. Expect ROTS to fall out of the top five once "War of the Worlds" hits on the 29th...just too many movies out for a May release to stay on top.

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