Saturday, October 30, 2004

Forth Day of Halo

Alas, where would you be without it!

On the forth day of Halo, Bungie gave to me,
Four Platonics headsets
Three Warthogs
Two First Strike Novels
And the orginal best FPS

Friday, October 29, 2004

Thrid Day of Halo

Here it comes, day three

On the thrid day of Halo, Bungie gave to me,
Three warthog toys
Two First Strike novels
And the Original Best FPS.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Second Day of Halo

Here we go again

On the second day of Halo, Bungie gave to me,
Two First Strike Novels
And the orginal best FPS

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

First Day of Halo

As There are only 12 Days untill Halo2, each day I will sing a little song to express my excitment! Each day will be a new Halo thing. Clcik on the Link to purchuse so your ready for the Ninth.

On the first day of Halo, Bungie gave to me..
The Orginal Best FPS

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I Just Get Better Everyday

Heres a much better source for the TV Spot. Sometimes I amaze even myself. (requires Quicktime)


Monday, October 25, 2004

Halo2 Commerical

Heres a link to the new halo2 TV spot. Pretty cool. Not sure if its legit or not, but who cares.



For something much more important than the Presdency...Halo! The game and Master cheif need our help for the Walk of Game poll going on this week. Halo is tied with Zelda at 11.5% (as of 10/25/04 0710 PST). We all need to vote. Click below to do so, and you may vote once everyday tll Haloween.

Hey, if he can save the Earth, we cane click a few buttons to help him.


Halo2 teaser Ads now Appearing on a site near you! IGN, Gamespot and TeamXbox will start displaying these new ads for the biggest game ever, Halo2.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Last Halo2 Update

The Bungie team posted the last weekly update on Halo2 today. It seems like November 9th is only seconds away...yet miles ahead. I can't belive it will be here within 15 days.

The update talked about martketing (TV spots, unkown really where, but they start next week). Nothing much...but it was very sentimental. Goodbye Mister Cheif...