Friday, February 11, 2005

OK, so its not perfect

After playing around with this Google translator thing... I realized its not perfect. But, you can play a pretty fun game of Telephone with it!

Heres the orginal:
This is a game of telephone. I will say the same thing, just translated into differant languages. I will start with English to Spanish, then Spainish to German, then German to French. I hope that it works, ad that it dosn't make me go to the bathroom and throgh it all up!

Then after translated:
This one is a play of the telephone. I say the same thing, at once that translated that languages differant. * I beginning with Spanish English zum, then German, then German Spainish the French. I hope that, the fact the advertisement functions with this one dosn' T which goes in the bathroom and throgh him very for in top!

Not perfect...nut hey, thats like five languages!

Todays Post.. En Espanol!

NOTE: I don't speak Spainish. This is using Google's Translate Tool :)

Así pues, pensé que intentaría algo differant hoy. Como usted puede decir probablemente, este podcast está entirly en Spainish. Ningún... no puedo hablarlo en todos. (seguro, su mi cuarta clase del período, pero, infierno, Im no que bueno poder escribir todo el esto, lol) no, no. Estoy utilizando Google traduzco la herramienta. Jugaba alrededor con ella antes y pensado le estaba bastante fresco. ¡Esto puede definatly ayudarme hacia fuera con la preparación de Spainish!

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Where should I go this weekend?

Perhaps this could be the start of something... weekly audio posts from somewhere cool! I need suggestions though...where should I go? It's gotta be somewhere where my cell will work (Thats why no inside Disneyland rides were posted). And, of course, I've got to be able to talk.

The question is, where should I go?

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Looks like, by purpose, accadent, or glitch...Gmail has given me 50 invites!

It all started last week, when a box appeard on the left hand side. The old way to send an invite was via a link at the top. Last week, a new box appeard at the bottom.

Now, it says I have 50 invites left.

Needless to say...if anyone (your dog included) wants an invite...don't hesitate to ask! I NEED people to take them!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Should I encorporate Disney into this blog?

As Disneyland approaches the big 5-oh this year, I am wondering if I should start to blog more about Dinseyland and my various trips there. I do, in fact, love going, and I do, also in fact, have a lot of trivia about the park and tons of stories about various inside info and just weird trips and sights from there.
Some Info:
  • I do own a Season Pass
  • Ilive very close
  • I go about once a week
  • I know alot about it
  • I know alot of "Cast members" = Inside scoop

I think it would make the blog a little more "random" and less "Xbox"...Not that there's anything wrong with Xbox...just it gets a little boring.

I am not quit sure. I want YOU to help me. Post a comment or send me some mail...should I include Disneyland in this blog? (Creating another I don't want to).

id Delays Doom 3...again

I think they really just want to give Xbox owners everything that the PC owners got. Now, all we need is a hack from the GDC or E3 to pop up and it's all set!

Interestingly enough...I actually stumbled upon this before TeamXbox, IGN or Gamestop. I just happened to be looking at an investment site and id's fiscal plans popped up and I read them. I cheeked IGN and the lot and at the time, it was still not set up. I would have blogged about it, but I was lazy. But I swear I did do it first!