Saturday, September 04, 2004

Gone Gold

Battelfront has offically gone gold for Xbox, PS2, and of course PC-CD, according to local press.

This is one game that looks like a cotender for Best SW Game of the Year award...altohugh it dosn't seem to have much compitiion.

This means that there will be no hold-up or release day changes for BF, it will release on the 21st of this month. Also, the DVDs of the orginals (which is set to release on the same day :) ) will include a demo of the game.

Friday, September 03, 2004

New Disks allow for up to 200 GB to be stored onto the. It uses Holographic technology, the first to do so, although what that really is, I have no real clue. But, 200 GB is a hell of a lot of space on a disk!

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Reveiw Of the Month-- NASCAR 2005

Each month, I issue out My Picks at the begining. Latter on, these are revewied the day or so they come out, and a scroe lists is given... so cheeck here for all the info you want.

TeamXbox Score: 8.7 Score: 9.2
Gamespot Score: Not Yet Reveiwd

-Powerful, staduims are nicly built
- Crowds are still blah-ish

-Worst part of the game
-Slugish, not responsive
-Not custumizable

+Nice, full and in red neck glory
- No custum soudtrack support

+ Deep, deep, deep
+ Nice system of progress
- Borging after the 300th lap
- Only for the hardcore, since, yes, you will have to make 1000 left turns to progress

+First NASCAR title
+ May have some cool EA features (compitions)
- Not sure how well the bugs (yes, there are a lot of bugs right now) will be fixed
- Only 4 players (human)
-Its still 1000 left turns
- Its still EA

This is a good attempt, and its easily the best in the series. But with games like Fable, Doom 3, BattelFront and Halo2 to save your money for, thisn is just a waste unless your hardcroe.

8.5 Out of 10

Two Axons Left to "Go Hot"

Currently there are two more zxons left to "go hot" off of the new list. Then, of course, we have to get a few axons completly solved in order to unlock even more (or so I assume). No one knows for sure what this will lead to... but what I do know is...



Kerry 2004

While watching Bush's speach at the RNC, I am reminded of what a jackass he is... and why I think Kerry or a monkey could run the country better.

Let me set it stright: I do not "like" Kerry. I am not a Democrat (now for that matter am I a Republican). However, the name opposite Bush on election day is Kerry. So thats where I place my support.

Let us all be reminded of how smart our Presy is by a few of his favorite quotes:

"The furture will be better tomorrow"

"A vast majority of our imports come from out of the country"

And, heres a flash ani will all must see before we head of to the polls.


Wednesday, September 01, 2004

New Axons

Ilovebees is evolving once again. Tons of new zxons are now released, and this time we need to get three in order to unlock them. More and more are becoming unlocked...but we don't have them all yet.


Monday, August 30, 2004

Hitting on the Head

The guys over at Penny Aracde once again hit the nail on the head with this one. Clearly, spawn camping is a problem on Black Arrow, so where the hell is the patch!?!?!

Maybe now that they''ve gotten their smack they will release a patch. Or not.


Sunday, August 29, 2004

Battelfront: 22 Days

Looks like theres only 22 days left till the launch of Battelfront. I can't wait. The game looks like it could be a great holdover untill November 9th. From what I hear, it will be the biggest Live game out to date, supporting up to 24 people on dedicated.

Also in gaming news, Doom 3 looks like it will, of course, be delayed for Xbox. The head's veiw changed from "its up in the air" to "It dosn't look like it will" over the weekend. Looks like we won't get it till 2005.

As its Sunday and I new month is before us in the week, heres my Monthly Picks

Fable- Long and awited, we finaly get it on the 12 or so. Recived a 9.3 from IGN, looks like it could top KOTOR as the Top Console RPG

Burnout 3- A new twist on the classic... and EA;s first non-sport game on Live. Cross your fingers...

NASCAR 05- I doubt it will transfer into a good Live game... but for the rednecks out there, this ones for you!

Battelfront- You know you want it. Ever since '77 you've wanted to fly a TIE above Bespin aganst an ATAT... and now you can. No Vader though... still have to wait for that one.

Worms 3D- This game has been awfuly slow in coming, but it looks like its here. Personally, this game isn't for me, but whatever floats your boat!