Saturday, October 15, 2005

Lets Get the Coutdowns in Order, Please

So many hot things coming out so's time to get a little organized. Here's my Countdows to the hottests items for the rest of 2005. (For the record, my coutdowns are true style, they don't include today but do include the day of release)

Series of Unfortunate Events Book 12--3 Days

The last book before the last book is finally coming. Can't wait to be more confused about the VFD and life itself. October 18, 2005.

SW: ROTS on DVD and BattleFront II -- 17 Day

Two hot sequals to the best things in the Star Wars Universe? Thats what I call Star wars Day. Novemer 1, 2005.

Xbox 360-38 Days

MS promises the 360 will be awsome...and I belive them. The onyl real question is how long after this do I have to wait?

DVD Day 2005- Seinfeld, War of the Worlds-38 Days

The list of DVDs coming out on November 22 gets longer almost everyday. The Biggies include the Seinfeld Seasons 5 & 6 Collector's Set, with Puffy Shirt, War of the Worlds, The Polar Express, and a few others. Makes the November 22 trip about $80 more expensive.

Thanksgiving 2005--40 Days

This Thanksgiving, theres going to be alot of Xbox playing going on.

UC Applications--46 Days

College applications make me want to scream. Including them in this list of cool things makes them a little less stressful. But I still must scream. AHHHHHH!!!

Christmas 2005--71 Days

This is probably when I'll actually get a 360. Untill than, I will cry myself to sleep every night.

2006--77 Days

Thus begins my last year as a child. Such sweet memeories...

iTunes 6.0-Tunes with Video

I upgraded to the 6.0 version of iTunes yesterday. It supports the new video features for all new iPods, which is cool. No awsome cool or "OMG" cool, but just cool. The service allows you to purchuse and download TV shows (Lost, Desperate Houswives, and some other ABC shows) and a few Pixar short flicks. There are also a very limited amount of video podcasts that are free, and about 2000 music videos that cost $1.99.

I bought the Pixar short "For the Birds" to test it out, and I must say I was impressed. It download in about the samne time as a song does, and it plays pretty well. The resolution holds up well for all modes except full-screen, bu even there it isn't too bad. And, BTW, "For the Birds" is halarois. Unfortunatly, my new nano dosn't support video (of course) so I have no idea about how the iPod video works. But I wouldn't worry to much about the size of the screen. It's probably just big enough to wok with most of the stuff the have out right now. The big news is: wheres the NFL?

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Still Alive...For Now

I know its been about a month since my last post...which is wayyy to long. But I've been busy, and now I'm back. Back with a vengence. So, whats been happening in my absence? The world's gone crazy, thats what.

  • Sun and Google join together in a third attempt to beat out Microsoft. You just gotta feel sorry for the guys...they've got so much heart.
  • Google gives free WiFi to San dial-up speeds.
  • Xbox 360 annouces lunch lineup...much to the dissappointment of fans. Can MS do anything right?
  • And some other stuff.

Here's whats been happening in my world.

  • Took the SAT I yesterday again...and of course it sucked. 4 hours is just too long for any kind test. Even the A.P.'s don't seem that bad.
  • My iPod nano came in (by the way, I ordered one). It's pretty cool, and very small. Expect a review to come some time in your life.