Thursday, April 13, 2006

Anyone Miss the "Old" Major Nelson?

Recently, I've grown rather boared of Major Nelson's blog. When it first came out, in May 2004, the blog was more than a shopping list of DLC for the Xbox. In fact, it was more than just "insider" MS news. Remember the Vasaline story? That was interesting.

Ever since the site switch, and the release of the 360, Major has become less of a real blog and more of informational site.

Don't get me wrong--I like the Marketplace updates. They definatly are handy, and I don't know where else I would find the info. However, shouldn't the blog be alittle more than just updates to the martketplace.

If you don't see the problem, here some stats for you. In the last 3 weeks, 26 of the 54 posts were about Marketplace contents. 6 of those posts, by the way, we're the weekly Live stats and blogcats. Taking those out of consideation, that means that 54% of the posts have been solely about new content on the martketplace.

On the other side, there were only 3 or 4 rel "non-Xbox insider" news, depending on how you look at it. Thats only 8% of the total posts. As far as I'm concerned, that's too low to be considered a "blog".

Perhaps Major needs to rethink the way his blog works. I'm not saying he should take out the Marketplace updates, but perhaps he should try to post about some more random things. His blog is called Random Thoughts, after all.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Too Bad It Will Suck

EA releases the cover for Superman Returns today. In the words of the now infamous PKG (of foum fame)... EA + Superman = Suck. And I'd have to say I'd agree. Plus, the recent target images are far from impressive. I suppose there is some hope, becuase as long as the game features the famous Williams soundtrack, the audio will rock.

The movie, on the other hand, looks great. I personally can't wait for this summer to roll around for all of the great movies coming out. As far as games go...the only gem hanging out there pre-E3 is Gears of War.

Final Push

Today begins the final push towards the end of my high school career. Just back from spring break 2K6, there are just 9 weeks left untill Grad Night. I'm really getting pretty excited.

Again, I've been accepted to UC Davis and will probably be going there. A few more weeks left, we're into the final push.