Wednesday, February 01, 2006

COD2 Loser Patch Released

Infinity Ward released a patch for COD2 today that, unforunatly, did nothing to fix the online lag problems. Needless to say, millions got pissed off. And I belive they have a strong right to be. IW released a product they KNEW sucked, and they did it with a simile. Than they take more than 2 months to put up dedicated servers and a lobby? Thats just unacceptable.

The Xbox forums have been a haven for anti-IW sentiment lattly, and it's gotten so bad that IW themselves had to post an "apology:"

Hello everyone! Now that our first Title Update for Call of Duty 2 has been certified for release, we want to let you know what to expect. The update that was released today addresses a save game corruption issue that affected player progression for some people within the single player saved campaigns.
In addition, we are pleased to announce that we are testing a number of multiplayer enhancements to the community, including addressing the lag issues. We are working really hard on these updates. Development is a timely process and we appreciate your patience. Infinity Ward is excited about your enthusiasm and support for Call of Duty 2 and we look forward to speaking with you soon.

Just tell us you screwed us over and walk away from it, just as we all have walked away from this game.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Battlefront 2 DLC Out Now

I am downloading the content as we speak. it's up for those in the west. If you don't see it right now... just wait, and it should appear soon.

Monday, January 30, 2006

THAW Review Up

You can cheek out my full review of THAW over here at

I'm truckin' through Quake 4 and Amped 3 right now...I'll be sure to post reviews once I finish them.

No 2006 Release for Halo 3?

This internal memo from GameStop seems to state that Halo 3 will not release this year. Seems fishy to me...but I alreadly suspected that Halo 3 will launch in 2007. But, expect full Halo 3 coverage at this years E3. I think Bungie will probably follow the same release strategy as they did for Halo 2, trailer first, weekly updates, than a release date and demo at the next E3.