Friday, January 20, 2006

Week In Review--1/20/06

Have not had much time to post throught out the week this week as, well, I was pretty busy. Here's a day-by-day recap.

Monday--Purchased FFXI beta and Quake IV. Finished installing FFXI.

Tuesday--Disneyland Trip--rode the new Monsters Inc ride (its great, BTW)

Wednesday--First day of new term classes. Re-log on to FFXI. Complete Child/Father Quest. Gain 200 XP. Play some Quake IV.

Thursday--Play some DOA4 rounds in time attack mode...still about 15 away from the final character. Finsh night with a breif FFXI time play and few rounds in Quake IV.

Friday--Post a recap of the week on a blog no one reads. Begin my weekend. Sleep.

Latter on tonight I will be uploading my THAW review...and perhaps posting a first impression of Quake IV.

Right now, here are some FFXI thoughts.
  • Graphics are simiply unacceptable. Period. They suck. The worst on 360, hands down.
  • Long and boaring set p that could and should be alot easier. Will alienate gamers who purchase the retail version of the game.
  • Bad user interface...just bad.
  • Lots of fun to play...but alot of work as well.
  • Super Bunnies? How can I kill three bunnies in four hits and than get killed by one with one hit the next time? WTF?!?
  • NO VOICE!?! How did MS let Square shove that up their ass?

Monday, January 16, 2006

Just Finished Installing

Almost two hours since my last post...and I just finished the final DL and am in the world playing. I choose basic classes and characters for my first run just to get the feel of the game, but latter on I want to learn some real magic.

I'll be on this and Quake 4 throughtout the rest of the week. See 'ya online!

Installing FFXI

As you can see at right...Im in the middle of downloading and starting the Final Fantasy XI beta. I'm about an hour into it...I think Ive still got a ways to go.

I'll post my thoughts on the supposdly long and stupid process when and if I finish.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Whats Up With TLM?

So, back in October I told the world that The Lost Man, my Java Halo Project, would be ready for the end of November. That came and went...and so did January 12...the expected release date. Than, in a little PPS update, I said it wasn't coming untill May 2006. Heres the full story.

TLM is still in devlopment. I'm still coding on it everyday. In order to make it the best experiance possible, I need more time to finsih it. Seriously, I get held up in Niovember and Decmber with the holdiays and Xbox 360...and IO have not even finished raw coding for the end.

I expect may will be the final release date for TLM...but nothing is set in stone. If I don't have a good hold on the game by March, I'll push it back again. Sorry, thats just the way it works.

I'll try to update more with WWWU and stuff to keep you posted, but there just really isn't a whole lot to comment on. If all goes well, though, I will have a MAJOR annoucment the begining of February.

Stay tuned...and get ready for The Lost Man to invade your PC this May.

COD2 Review

Just finished and posted my review of COD2 on TeamXbox. Enjoy.