Friday, January 20, 2006

Week In Review--1/20/06

Have not had much time to post throught out the week this week as, well, I was pretty busy. Here's a day-by-day recap.

Monday--Purchased FFXI beta and Quake IV. Finished installing FFXI.

Tuesday--Disneyland Trip--rode the new Monsters Inc ride (its great, BTW)

Wednesday--First day of new term classes. Re-log on to FFXI. Complete Child/Father Quest. Gain 200 XP. Play some Quake IV.

Thursday--Play some DOA4 rounds in time attack mode...still about 15 away from the final character. Finsh night with a breif FFXI time play and few rounds in Quake IV.

Friday--Post a recap of the week on a blog no one reads. Begin my weekend. Sleep.

Latter on tonight I will be uploading my THAW review...and perhaps posting a first impression of Quake IV.

Right now, here are some FFXI thoughts.
  • Graphics are simiply unacceptable. Period. They suck. The worst on 360, hands down.
  • Long and boaring set p that could and should be alot easier. Will alienate gamers who purchase the retail version of the game.
  • Bad user interface...just bad.
  • Lots of fun to play...but alot of work as well.
  • Super Bunnies? How can I kill three bunnies in four hits and than get killed by one with one hit the next time? WTF?!?
  • NO VOICE!?! How did MS let Square shove that up their ass?

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