Thursday, October 07, 2004

Yeah! Football Ticks!

Just for being a member of the awsome Xbox Live. Looks like I'll be heading out to the Fresno state Homecoming this Saturday, with my free ticks in hand.

Those of you who missed out should be kicking yourselves. Hard.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

New Black Arrow- PDLC

Looks like UBi is finally showing their true colors. Insead of giving us more for free, theres going to be a price tag. But its still good.

Looks like 4 maps for 5 bucks... maybe a good thing, but still, why cant they make it free?


Tuesday, October 05, 2004

"Survivor" Annouced

No, its not a game based on the TV show by the same name. Its a game hat makes you "survive" modern tradegys, like Titanic, Hiroshima, Hurricane Andrew and, 9-11. Obviously, the last one offers up some heavy debate over wheter or not its morally correct to make aprofit off of the loss of life. Whats 0dd is that most of debate dosn't care about Titanic....I geuss time does heal wounds.

This was bound to happen, however, this title interests me a lot, if it ever gets released. I can just see all the Oprah mindless moms marching Wal-Mart for this one.

Heres just a little debate from TeamXbox:

Oct. 5th, 2004 11:49 am

I've had some time to rethink this, and to me, its more a matter of respect and point of view. I personally think that some of the more recent event scenarios mentioned, such as 9/11, may hold a bit more controversy than say the Titanic incident. I remember the day vividly and sat glued to my television for almost five straight hours during that day, so for me, and those who were even closer or actually involved, one could see where the dissrespectfull and revolting reactions might come to play. However, you could also take it in the sense that, as you're given the opportunity to play through these tragic, yet historical events, you might come to appreciate the magnitude of suffering that people actually went through and what they had to do to survive. It may give you a greater insight into history or a new perspective on world events.In short, I'm undecided, but it basically comes down to your personal moral and ethical views on the events and their subsequent game development. I'm pretty sure I won't be buying this title, but for some people, it may be their thing.

Oct. 5th, 2004 11:49 am

i agree w/ most of you's a disrespectful idea that someone is trying to cash in on these tragic events. Innocent people died...gamers shouldn't enjoy a game based on these horrible incidents.

Oct. 5th, 2004 11:47 am

I'm glad everyone here seems to have their wits about them, with the simple exception of Dugath, whose pathetic attempt at attacking the violent nature of WAR BASED video games in an effort to defend a game based around the most horrific events of history appalls me and allows me to confirm how stuid and gullible today's society is. I can understand wanting to empathize with events many of us didn't live through, like Hiroshima, the Titanic, or say... the eruption of Pompei (though it's cleary not included since no one survived).But this is a commercial endeavor designed to make money, first and foremost, and to that end, it's horribly disrespectful, especially to those who DID love through those more recent events. As far as Dugath's points: In those games, those Japanese/Vietnamese/Arabic/German whatever characters, ARE TRYING TO KILL YOU. It is their sole intent to destroy the player character.This is a game that surrounds the deaths of thousands of innocent people, often times at the hands of cruel madmen, or (in Hiroshima's case), because of a hugely destructive, soul-scouring mistake, one which has never been (thankfully) repeated since, and one for which many of the participating country still feel a small sense of shame or guilt. If a game was made about surviving Auschwitz or one of the other nasty murder-camps, Germany would **** a proverbial brick.

Oct. 5th, 2004 11:23 am

Ok, here's the breakdown. If they make this historically accurate, I'm fine with that. However, I will not buy it. There is no way they will be able to make me feel like I am in an actual situation. There is no way I will feel the loss of a digital "person" as I have with close friends and family.BUT, if that same company makes a game where I can truly feel like I am putting my hands around a terrorists neck and get the satisfaction of squeezing the life from him, put me down for two copies.

Oct. 5th, 2004 11:14 am

Well they make games out of vietnam and WW2..

Oct. 5th, 2004 11:14 am

I actually like the concept. Considering NONE of us were in any of those . Maybe the last two. But to feel what it was like sounds pretty cool to me. Id give more respect out of knowing what it was like.

Oct. 5th, 2004 11:01 am

LoL you guys are funny.. things happen.. get over it. Its not like they are poking fun at anything.. where is all your *****ing about games thay portray you playing an american killing off people in vietnam or some other opponent in some sort of war game..cant have it both what a ship sunk..a tornado hit..big deal its in the past..but yet I find it funny how americans find it okay and even entertaining to play a game where it simulates killing Vietamese people or Japanese people.. oh ya.. thats moral. loosers.

Oct. 5th, 2004 10:50 am

Simply a horrible idea. In all of these actual events multiple innocent people died for no reason what so ever. Figures it takes a german company to make a game like this. Assholes!

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Thirsty? Let MC Help

7-11 and Moutain Dew have started the "massive ad campaign" by creating limited edition slurpee cups at 7-11. They look pretty cool, and, you can win a copy of the game from them !