Friday, April 01, 2005

The End of an Era

Today marks the last day I will blog. This is the last entry I shall ever post on this blog.

It has been a great ride, but I feel it is time now to step off. The blog just isn't going anywhere. I've already down everything I can think of. I think it's better to end now, at the top of my game, then to whiddle away.

I wish to thank everyone who has made my blog the success that it is. For that, I thank about two people.

Thanks for the memories.


Wednesday, March 30, 2005

My B-Day Tomorrow

Feliz Cumplanos a mi!

SC:CT Best Game Ever?

Has the torch passed from Halo 2 to Splinter Cell? It seems like it.

The first sign was the OXM reveiw, giving it a 9.9...almost perfect, and much better then Halo 2's low 9.7 score.

Then Major Nelson did his "Splinter Cell: CT" Spectacular show and made us all drool.

And then, TeamXbox gave it a 9.8...lower than Halo 2.

So, which is better?

They are two entirly differant games...but in the end, are still games. SC:CT offers very specialized gameplay that is not for everyone. Whiule it is a good game, it lacks the "pick up and play" aspect of Halo 2/. It is not a game for everyone, and thus, it creates diverese opinions.

I like CT. It is a great game, just another tick on the list of the great UBI games.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Tivo Tests Ad Scam

Last weekend, Tivo started testing their new ad idea. Most customers, myself included, just record a show, wait till it finishes, and then fast foward through the commericals. But Tivo wants to change that.

Now, when customers fast foward through the commercials, a "pop up" ad will cover the screen, over the TV show going fast. If the customer pushes up on the remote, he/she is then taken to a screen with more information on the product.

Iyt dosn't seem that bad, but, I would rather not have pop ups on my TV. Also, Tivo is having problems getting the ads to only pop up during the commericals. If a pop up comes during my CSI, I'll be pissed.

AOTS Verdict

After watching the rest of AOTS, I have very mixed feelings. Heres my summary

+ Same Cast
+Like the Couch idea
+The Feed is still there
+ Dark Deals and Gems are still there
+Still chat
+Nice set

-Bad title.
-Hate the bands
-It's on G4
-The opening is cheesy
-The constant graphic introducing each new sceene are stupid, boring and annoying
-Will we get any real tech news?
-Since when is a dino a tech news item?

Overall, it is no TSS. But, essentially, there is no real differance between the last TSS epsiode and this one, save for the set. I probably will still watch, dispite how much my heart tells me not to. And yes, I got a season pass.

Sin City: What a Movie

Last night I had the chance to get into a "early" screening of Sin City. It is, by far, the best movie I've seen this year.

What stands out most is the unique visual style. Most of the flim is in black and white, with splashes of color thrown in to add emphasis, like the red of fire or the blue in an eye. It really makes the flim look like the orginal graphic novels.

The cast, story, and music all are incrediable. This is a really good movie to see, but, hey, it is rated R and it is very violent. And bloody. So the 10- and 65+ croud may want to steer clear, but, it's perfect for everyone else. Hey, take the wanna-be tween too, let them puke or pass out!

Monday, March 28, 2005

Video Games Recalled

Two video game "recall" news caught my attention today.

  • PS2 was recalled becuase of a pattent issue. I'm not sure if this makes PS2 illegal or what, but it dosn't sound good for Sony. E-mail me if you understand what this really means for the gamer, becuase I don't
  • The Xbox recall of power cords was, as VGN calls it "a BS liability scam" VGN says the cords don't neccessary fix the problem, which was do too falty sawdering on the cord, resulting power surges and blow outs, but instead just limits the porblem down to your Xbox. Which, I geuss, is better than nothing for those LCD HD 80" rich Xbox bastards, but only just hurts the rest of us. Would it have been that hard to just fix the problem MS?

Did you watch AOTS Today?

Attack of the shw, the replace-er of TSS, premired today on G4. Did you watch?

I saw the first 15 minutes or so, untill I ran out of Tivo fast-foward power. I'll watch the rest tomorrow. It seems just how I thought it would: a clone of E! or Access Hollywood.

It is sad to bid TSS good-bye. It is even sadder to know that this is what is was replaced by. Maybe I should just move to Canada and watch Leo and Call for Help. And get free medical care. Sounds good to me. I could learn to say "eh" and "aboot".