Thursday, June 09, 2005

Last Day of School

So, today was the final, last day of school for the year. Ah, the free time I now have! With all this free time, I will once again head back over to Halo 2 and try to improve my puny level 11.

(Play Green Day muisc)
What a year.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

2nd to Last Day of School

Think back to August...ahhhh...what closer this brings.

So, today was the second to last day of my junior year. We got yearbooks on Friday and today was finals for History and English, although, since those were AP classes, the finals were not, should I say, hard.

The summer is so close I can taste it. Sure, with it comes my driving test, band camp and college work...but ahhh the nice late mornings will feel nice indeed.


Ken Kutaragi just dissed the 360. In a major way.

While most MS employes with direct people contact, namly Major, have been polite when discussing the next-gen consoles differences, Ken, the PS3 father, was bold, crass and just plane wrong. Here's his main quote:

"the messages of the Xbox 360 and PS3 differ clearly. Xbox 360 emphasized it is a game machine which is complete as a platform. PS3 emphasized the possibility of technology."

I love when people make fun of Xbox because it is a game machine. The hard facts are that the onyl reason I'm going to spend $300+ on a console IS TO PLAY GAMES. Sure, DVD is nice. Sure so is music. But I already have a Sony Player and an iPod. Frankly, what I don't have and thus the reason of my purchuse, is the gaming machine itself. When I buy a 360, it will be without a doubt because of the gaming possibilites.

Don't get me wrong, I love that the consoles will be able to do more than just game. But, in my book, all of those features will never change the core of why I buy a gaming console.

And, if you want to talk about the future of technology, Ken, lets look at your console. In todays world, your console seems like one of those old superccomputers. Sure it will have raw power, but in reality it will mean nothing. It will take 3.5 years for the PS3 to start really using its hardware. Mark my words: the launch titles for 360 will look much better than the PS3.

And remeber, X360 is the only console with Halo. 'nough said.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

GameStop Morons

So, I head out over to a local GameStop to cheek out GTA:SA, probably to buy it. I was all ready and eveything when this idoit behind the counter informed me that, "Hey, dude, I can't sell the game untill midnight". I tried to convicne him that it came out TODAY, the 7TH, but her wouldn't budge.

Needless to say, I walked out of the store san San Andreas. I did pick up Wipeout Pure for my PSP, which looks pretty good so far. I'm still writting up an in-depth review of the PSP (I'm talking 5 MB .pdf file here), so bear with me.

Maybe this weekend I'll head a few miles over to an EB and see if they will sell me the game. Maybe.