Saturday, July 23, 2005

24-Hour Party!

To celebrate the 1 Year mark of the blog, I have decided to stay on XBL for a full 24 hours!

On August 6, I will begin a 24 hour marathon, starting at about 12 PM PST. I will be on XBL for a full 24 hours, ending thus at about 12 PM PST on August 7, 2005. I will be keeping track of some game stats and stuff and will post full details here on August 8, the official one year mark of this blog.

I did want to do the STARD Tourny...but I have never recived any entries. The tourny is offically called off.

Send a F/R to StarDrummer to join in on the fun!

GTA:SA Yanked From Shelves

Following the ESRB reversal eailer in the week, Best Buy, GameStop and Circuit City have taken Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas from their shelves. I expect Wal-Mart, Target, Kmart, and others to do the same, if they havn't already.

The game is currently now rated AO, because of the "Hot Coffee" mod. Rockstar has annouced that it is currently devloping a new version of the game without access to the mod, which will be rated M. However, untill the new version is released all retailers have to slap a new AO sticker on it, thus forcing many main stream retailers to stop selling it.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Windows: "Hasta la Vista?"

Yes, yes, its true. Microsoft has offically annouced the real name of Longhorn as "Windows Vista". Apparently numbers and acronymes just arn't cool enough for M$ anymore.

No, No, No...I'm Not Dead

Don't fear the worst...I have not yet kicked the bucket, nor has this blog. I'll admit I have been a bit more "busy" than I would have thought I would be over this summer though.

The masness of hotel-staying, Disneyland-going whole week adventures is over. Well, almost. Apart from a brief trip to the beach next week, I'll be be home, and blogging.

Alot has happened since my last post on July 6, 2005. Lets see...more broker reports about Xbox 360 failing to win the console auto-update for Halo 2...MN' Blogging in the sky...Space Moutain reopens...Harry Potter #6 releases...Bush nominates a new Supreme Court Justice...I saw War of the Worlds...I got a Driver's License...

That's about it. Now that were both on the same page...let us begin.