Tuesday, March 29, 2005

AOTS Verdict

After watching the rest of AOTS, I have very mixed feelings. Heres my summary

+ Same Cast
+Like the Couch idea
+The Feed is still there
+ Dark Deals and Gems are still there
+Still chat
+Nice set

-Bad title.
-Hate the bands
-It's on G4
-The opening is cheesy
-The constant graphic introducing each new sceene are stupid, boring and annoying
-Will we get any real tech news?
-Since when is a dino a tech news item?

Overall, it is no TSS. But, essentially, there is no real differance between the last TSS epsiode and this one, save for the set. I probably will still watch, dispite how much my heart tells me not to. And yes, I got a season pass.

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