Sunday, October 09, 2005

Still Alive...For Now

I know its been about a month since my last post...which is wayyy to long. But I've been busy, and now I'm back. Back with a vengence. So, whats been happening in my absence? The world's gone crazy, thats what.

  • Sun and Google join together in a third attempt to beat out Microsoft. You just gotta feel sorry for the guys...they've got so much heart.
  • Google gives free WiFi to San dial-up speeds.
  • Xbox 360 annouces lunch lineup...much to the dissappointment of fans. Can MS do anything right?
  • And some other stuff.

Here's whats been happening in my world.

  • Took the SAT I yesterday again...and of course it sucked. 4 hours is just too long for any kind test. Even the A.P.'s don't seem that bad.
  • My iPod nano came in (by the way, I ordered one). It's pretty cool, and very small. Expect a review to come some time in your life.

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