Sunday, October 01, 2006

It' Been Awhile

It's been a long, long time since I've last posted on this blog. No, No, I'm NOT dead, just been busy. What's happened since my last post more than a month ago? The world has truely gone crazy, that's what.

  • TGS and X'06: TGS is a bust, X06 a blast. Halo Wars annouced, shown.
  • DOOM surprsied the world and is placed on marketplace
  • Vision is released, but not available on any store shelves.
  • Guitar Hero 2 coming the 360.
  • Lego Star Wars II Released; DLC Characters Released. Game Rocks!
  • Test Drive: Unlimited Releases. Game is OK.
  • Tons of demos released: FEAR, Fuzion Frenzy 2, Sonic, and others
  • Sony tries to blow up the world with batteries
  • Resident Evil 5 coming to 360
  • Oblivion going to PS3
  • Tons and tons of other stuff
So, I'm not quite sure why I stopped blogging. I just started playing Dead Rising non-stop, and than never picked it up again.

But this blog is far from dead. Very, very far.

For the past week, I've been making my transistion to college life. I'm up at UC Davis, which means three things: there's hella cows, and it's hella cold. Oh, and everybody uses "hella" all the time. Very, very odd.

This blog will serve new functions as a place for me to vent about the upcoming struggles of college life, just as it did during my high school years. Without a doubt, expect many updates about how it's gong and what's up.

That brings me to my next point: updates. Now that I'm in college, my shcedule is, well, crazy. Expect updates to be, well, crazy.

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