Sunday, August 06, 2006

2 Years: A Look Back

Continual Randomness is nearing it's second birthday. Next Monday, on August 14, 2006, the blog turns 2. For the next week, every day I'll be posting a look back on the first two years of the blog. We'll take a walk down memory lane, from the Black Arrow days, the Pre-Hal0 2 days, the launch of Halo 2, post-Halo 2 days, Star Wars Days 2004 and 2005, and all the rest. These will be my "personal" favorite entries from the last two years. There not in any particular order; they all are special to me from the past years.

There will be other posts in between, including Dead Rising thoughts, but be sure to cheek out the blog every day for look-backs. Hey, maybe even twice a day!

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