Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Sony To Rockstar: We Don't Need You

In yet another chapter of Crazy VideoGame Idiots, a Sony exec recently said that GTA has not helped sell Playstations "at all." Actually, it's much funnier if you read what exactly came from his own mouth:

From Team Xbox:

The interviewer asked Tretton if not having an exclusive on the next installment of the GTA franchise could hurt the PlayStation 3. Here is what Tretton said:

There's no question that having the Grand Theft Auto franchise helped us a lot and helped us sell some units, but I don't think the battle would be any different with or without Grand Theft Auto.

Just like you, the editor didn’t believe Tretton’s words and asked explicitly if Sony thinks that not having an exclusive on Grand Theft Auto doesn't hurt the PS3 at all; to what Tretton responded:

No, I don't think it hurts us. No, I really don't.

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