Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Rode "Tatsu" Yesterday

Yesterday I took a trip out to Six Flags Magic Mountain and rode the new coster "Tatsu." This thing is one crazy ride. First off, you get in a seat that resembles one of the likes of X or Scream, except for a double strap that goes over your chest (one soft and cushiony, the other solid steel) and a "holder" of sort for your feet. The seat is very comfortable, probably the best coaster seat I've ever been on. Fits perfectly. Then, right before the ride takes off, the entire sit rotates a full 90 degres, so that your head and cheast are nor hoovering above ground

You stay that way for the entire ride; however, it does not feel like your blood is rushing to your head or that your chest is under immense pressure. Instead, there's a feeling of flight, just like you would imagine Superman or batman must (or would, whatever) feel during their flights. The ride goes up pretty high (fear of heights: Do not ride) but there are no step falls, a la Golaith. Instead, there is a huge signature loop-type inversion that really puts pressure on your whole body. As my freinds remakred while waiting, it's hard to scream, and thus, the sound falls mute from riders during the big loop.

The ride is 'hella fun, and of pure coaster fun. This is my kind of ride. I'm not one into the big "thrill" type rides, such as the suspense of De ja vu. I'm much more into the 100 MPH coaster scene, with drops, inversions and barral rolls. Tatsu is sitted at the top of my list for favorite rollercoasters ever. It's hard to give exact numbers, but it's at the same point as X, Scream and Space Moutain.

If you head out to go ride, here's a tip: ride it early (run to start of line) and get in the front. The wind experiance, and the wide open view is well worth it.

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