Tuesday, May 16, 2006

First Post

...and here we are.

This is the very first post on the new system. As you can see, the system looks newer, cleaner, and just plain better than the old one. I was also able to implement my GamerCard and Xbox 360's blog on the right hand side, without messing up the site style.

If you miss the old layout...don't fret. In the future, you'll be able to switch between blog themes on your own accord. Idealy, you should be able to press on button one time, and than forever on view CR the way you want to see it. Currently, I just have the "old" layour, this "new" layout, and a plain text view, ideal for cell phones. All this is coming soon, probably in time for the 2nd Birthday of this blog in August.

Everything else about this blog will remain the same, however. I still be the same person, and I will still blog along the same "randomness" that I also have. And, of course, Xbox, Xbox 360 and Halo will continue to dominate the posts in the blog.

The only thing that will change is the layout of the site. Just so we're clear, this is still open to change, and I'll be playing around with for the rest of the week. However, unless I find a cool 360 theme, this one will probably be semi-close to final.

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