Monday, May 08, 2006

E306: PS3 Copies 360; Wii

E306: Sony Press Conference

During the Sony pres conference, the following was revealed about the next gen of Sony toys:

  1. PSP titles will have a new "Greatest Hits" category
  2. PSP will work with PS3 simultanously... shown as a rear view mirror for drving game
  3. PSP will play emulated PS1 games
  4. PS3 will lunch November 11 in Japan, Novemer 17 in US
  5. Will cost $499 for 20 GB HDD, &599 for 60 GB HDD
  6. Controler will have "motion capturing" abilites (JUST LIKE WII!!!!!)
  7. Many games shown, including new EyeToy card game that I perosnally think is very cool. Many games are hack and slash, or driving games. One cool FPS set in UK after WWII (but, it didn't happen)
  8. A Marketplace like system, like the 360s. (This is ironic, becuase, as Sony yells on and on about their system, I'm using my 360 to download a new demo of test drive.)

In essence, not a very orginal confernce, to say the least. If I was Nintendo, I'd be violently pissed off at Sony. Violently.

I'm rooting for Nintendo now. Sony will have a hell of time getting me to fork out 500 bucks for a copy cat system that offers NOTHING orignal.

I will continue to offer updates from E3 throughout the week. Nintendo's confernce is tomorrow morning, and Microsoft's is in the afternoon. I won't be able to post immediate thoughts on Nintenos (like this one, this post was started before the show was over :) ) as I'll be in the middle of AP Gov, but, I'll be front and center for the BIG show: Microsoft.

I'm rooting for Nintendo and Microsoft to shove it down Sony's face. Come on guys, show us the true next generation.

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