Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Far Cry is One Long Game

These last couple of weeks I've been going through Far Cry Instincts, and man, it's a pretty long game. It's good, and mildly entertaining for a FPS, but it has some serious flaws. In fact, out of the current FPSs on the 360, I'd say it has the most. And the biggest.

Cheif of my complaints is the gernade kills. They are impossible to avoid, and just plain suck. You ca be one kill from clearing a tough area, when all of sudden your laying dow on the floor, dead. There is no way to see them and move out of the way. You just die.

Another thing is how so much of the game is just searching for a blue dot. I'm serious, the game is set up so that for hours on end, your only real goal is reaching one place. It just gets boring after awhile.

And don't even get me started on the controls.

From this post, you might gather that I don't like Far Cry, but that's not entirly true. It's just not "as good" as I might have hoped.

Expect a review to come probably around May 1...by than I should be finsihed with both stories.

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