Saturday, March 18, 2006

GR:AW First Thoughts

While the game has been out for awhile, I haven't had a chance yet to get more than a few hours into it, so these really are my opening thoughts.

First off, the single player. This style of gameplay just isn't for me, but I can live with it. The graphics are nice, and the story is interesting. The controls are alittle cluncky, however. I'm just not sure if I'm going to end up liking this SP experiance.

The multiplayer, however, is great. Really great. Best Live experiance for 360 so far, maybe even best Live since Halo 2.No lag, tons of options, and great maps make this a sure-fire win.

Overall, my opening thoughts score is a 3/5. I'm impressed by the multiplayer, but a little put off by the single.

Prethoughts: 4/5
Opening Thoughts: 3/5
Clsoing Thoughts: Coming Soon

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