Friday, November 04, 2005


Heres the update on The Lost Man for this week...

Coding contines, and I'm up to about 1000 lines of Java code so far. I probably will not be making any release this mo nth of anything becuase of this low amount (I thought it would be closer to 1500 by now).

So far, the story is pretty cool. I won't spoil anything, but heres some basics of the plot. Again, it's after New Mombasa and before the Cheif takes off to fight the Covies. You start off knowing nothing, and progrss in knowledge untill your true identity and purpose are revield.

Heres some real news: the Moon is in Halo:TLM. It was rumored to be in Halo 2, and it wasn't, so it seemed perfeclty natural for me to include that level in this game. And yes, it fits with the plot.

Weapon choices no include Plasma Riffle, Rocket Luancher, Sword, Battle Riffle, Fists, Brute Plasmas and a shotgun.

Your code/hint for the week is 1927. Enter it before you start and see what happens.

Tune in next week for some more info, a possible screen shot(s) and more info on when I will release the game.

Head up: You will need a JDK and a Java Program to run any pre-release downloads (anything released before June 11, 2006)

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