Monday, August 08, 2005

Happy B-Day Blog!

It's offical: this blog is exactly one year old. It was this day last year when I registared for a Blogger accountant and posted my very first entry into "Continual Randomness". Since then, the blog has changed over the months, gone days without updates, and then dozens of updates in one day.

At the start, the blog was desgined for my Black Arrow days. Then it morphed into antipatication for "Star Wars Day 2004", then into a singing coutdown for Halo 2. Since November 9, it served as mostly a Halo 2 fan page...before morphing into just an all-around everything blog that it is now.

What does the future hold for Continual Randomness? I geuss whatever my future holds. Hopefully, this year maybe I'll get serious about blogging, desgin some HTML and maybe even do a PodCast with the blog. Expect more updates about better stuff, and lots more pictures and links of "random" things. This year, I'm heading right to the roots of the blog..."Continual" meaning a lot more posts, and "Randomness" meaning stuff about everything. Some of next years, which starts right now, highlights include:
  • My Senoir Year at YHS, including college stuff and graduation.
  • The Launch of Xbox 360, PS3, and the Nintendo Revolution.
  • The (maybe) release of Bungie's next game.
  • Windows Vista and its new wave of crappyness.
  • More globe trotting
  • Harry Potter #7 build up
  • Star Wars Day 05, release of ROTS DVD and BF 2
  • More Xbox Live attachments
  • And more...

Thats just a list of someof the stuff I know will happen in the rest of 05 and 06. I'm sure there will be plenty of more stuff to talk about...and maybe I few surprises I know about but can't yet say.

Also, I may try to either regroup or start a new blog for this year, as the links on the side are getting kinda long.

Maybe latter I'll set up a special B-day Poll...cheek back here latter and vote.

Lastly, thanks readers. Without you, no one would read. Heres to another year just as good as this one.


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