Monday, March 21, 2005

TSS No More

Here is a perfect example of what coroporate America can do.

Act I
TechTV is created. The world is good. The Screen Savers is at its heyday with both Leo and Pat.

Act II
Leo quits/is fired (still not really sure what happen) TSS gets worse and worse.

With TechTV at its end, G4 swoops in and buys it out. Looks good at first.

Act IV
Set moved to LA. Pat quites. Show is getting more mainstream. Looks bad.

Act V
By now, TSS and Access Hollywood are the same thing. We've got things like "Band Fridays" and "Sponsered by..." and it's now just G4, not G4techTV

Act VI
TSS is canceled. It's replaced by Attack of the Show!

I thought that G4 would mean a good thing for TechTV. I thought it would mean less reruns. But no. G4 just took the TechTV veiwer audiance, not the network. The only remaining show is now X-Play...and I bet that will go soon to.

What happened to the good shows, like Call for Help, Tech Live and that Martin Sargent show? Even the good G4 shows are gone now, like that Areana. They seem to be replaced by Judgement Day's from 2002 and reruns of "Icons".

I now officaly hate G4. I probably will still watch AOTS, but I canceled my TSS season pass, and did not renew it with AOTS. I just don't think I can handle 5 hours a week of reruned slashdot news a week.

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