Saturday, December 11, 2004

Halo 3 Buzz?

People love to create it does not surprise me that hype has alreadly started...for Halo 3. A game that isn't even officaly announced, but obviously coming. If you've beaten know why.

Now, I have not beated it on Legendy yet. However, others hae and have told me of a certain eatser egg/ hint in the end credits...a date. February 9th. No year.

What could this mean? Well, it could be DLC...maybe new maps (time frame seems right). Or it could be something bigger, like Bungie's next project. Or something much, much Halo 3. Now, while this seems very impossible, there are some clues that may very well hint at this.

Sountack, Volume One?
Intentional Cliff Hanger?

Now, if I was to precict anything on the matter, first I'd say theres no way in hell its gonna ever happen. But, if, say, it did, I'd wager it would be a more like Halo 2.5. Maybe just a single player. Maybe just the ending of Halo 2...done right. Whatever the case, I doubt it would be a full-flaged title. But, then, why would Bungie release it so soon? Microsoft would be much better off to wait and release it for Xbox 2...if its coming out this year. In a way, this rumor leads to another...if Xenon ready for a Holiday 05 release? Perhaps, if the rumor has any truth to it, not. Microsoft loves money, and Halo is the ultimate seller.

But Bungie has ultimatly brought this upon themselvs, have they not? The placed this date there, they called the Soundtrack Vol. 1, and they chose to end the game at a very bad spot. So, when a Bungie employe posts like he's mad at the very thought of Halo3...pehaps that to is an imision of some truth.

Also, it was a Bungie emploer who first mentioned Halo 3...remeber his quote, something like "Halo2 and 3 are coming along nicly" (still found under the Bungie history section, mind you). For furthur proof, a gaming magazine recently posted on a small sidenote that Halo 3 was coming "sooner later than latter." Is Feb 9th the sooner?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe its febuary 9th 2006. that would give enogh time to make a game would it not?