Thursday, October 21, 2004

Starting Halo Again

I've begun my final journey down the Halo path...with 18 days untill H-Day, I have startewd my last romp through Legendary. Its tough, but I'm a seasoned vertern. With 3 years, 10 Easy, 5 Medium, 2 Hard and 4 Legendary (by myself) beats to my credit, this is no big deal. But it is historic. It marks the end of an era. Actually, it is the begining of the end, as I'm still on board the Pillar. But I've got 18 days. November 7th the madness begings. That Sunday is my last LAN party, marked by 16 of my closest freinds. The winner, we have decided, shall get first team, color and everything else for our Nov 10 Halo2 Tourny. We long decided that Nov 9 would be a "alone day" for privite worship, during our first rimp of the Campaign. I plan to make prepartations for a toal alone phone, no PC talk, nothing.

So here it goes, the begining of the End.

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