Saturday, August 14, 2004

XBL Games Update

As most of what I'll be posting about here revolves around Xbox and of course Xbox Live, I thought it wise to post my list of games up here.

Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow (And the old one)
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Project Gothem Racing 2
SW: Jedi Acadamy
NCAA Football 2005
Midtown Madness 3
SW: Clone Wars
Unreal II
Unreal Championship
Trivia Pursuit Unhinged

Thats mostly it. I listed it from what I play the most to what I rarly play as well. In other words, I am on BA a lot more than XIII.

Feel free to send a F/R (Tag: StarDrummer), just attach a message if possible refering to this blog. Otherwise, I'll have no clue who you are.

There are a few games that I am really looking foward to this year (and next). I put info on them here as it comes out. Also, sometimes I run into news that I wanna talk about. Maybe I'll post that here too.

Anyway, heres a few games your going to hear me talk about

SW: Battelfront
Burnout 3
Doom 3 (Xbox)

And, of course, the Big Halo 2. Altough, given the bigness of that game, my news probably will get old fast. Oh well.

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