Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Working on the Set-up

While I am still going through the process of setting up a more permanent home for CR, I thought I'd post with an update just to let you know what's up and happening.

I've already set-up the main domain name for the site; the new home will be at, like always. If you go there now, it will redirect you back here.

I'd like to move off of push-button publishing though, and head into the world of WordPress. This, unfortunately, turned out to be considerably harder than I originally anticipated it to be. But fear not: the new site is coming, and probably at a faster pace now that I am finished with midterms for the time being.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Its Been Awhile

To say that it has been awhile since my last post here would, of course, be a great understatement. The last post I made here was during the opening days of my freshman year at college at UC Davis. I am now in the midst of my Junior year, beginning to make the first steps in the process of applying to law school.

So, of course, it begs the question: why am I back?

The easy answer would be that I stumbled upon this site while I was board online, and looked back at the posts I made while in high school and reminisced about the past. While that's certainly true, I don't think thats really the reason why I am on here again, blogging for the first time in years.

Instead, I think the real reason lies in a series of events that have transpired over the past few months. As I continue my collegiate career, and make preparations for what it means to have an actual career, I have been increasingly called to question what my view of the world is, and why it matters. There have been a lot of moments over the past few months where I have questioned how my character will contribute to the world at large, and what I seek to contribute. I can't onestly say that I've gotten any further in this process than this simple realization.

But, I think I have made an important discovery here. For a variety of reasons, I have come to believe that expressing one's opinion in the written word is an important process. Putting my thoughts online of course opens them up for the world to see, which is inevitably the point of blog. But it obviously serves an individual function as well, as it allows me to think about my opinions and thoughts as well, and forces me to shape (or at least think about) the complexities of the world. I confess openly that I am clearly not the first to make this discovery; it is in fact why the blogging revolution started, and continues to this day in the new forms of social media.

A lot has changed about me in these past few years; I think I have changed more in this short time than in any other period in my life. The meanigs and implications of this lay far beyond the scope of this post, but these changes are the fundamental reasons behind its words.

With that said, I offically open a new chapter in Continual Randomness. I thought about changing the name, in an effort to sound more professional (and perhaps shorter and more Web 2.0 friendly), but came to the conclusion that such action was not only unneccessary, but foolish. I am still the very same person who posted the orignial message back in 2004, not matter how much has changed, and thus this blog, and its title, continual to have a sort of special meaning to me.

This is not, however, to say that the blog will not be changing. It will, in fact, be changing quite a bit. I plan to acquire the actual domain name of the site, and host it up there. [EDIT: Just to prove that this is actually happening, I went ahead and bought the domain name for Go ahead and visit it; right now I just have it redirecting back to here, but eventually I plan to set it up as a seperate site, creating more of a clean break with some of the old content on this site] In addition, the blog will of course be getting an entire make-over. These changes will accompany a change in the blog's theme. This blog was created to express my interests and my passions as a person. As a junior back in high school this mostly consisted of counting down the days until Halo 2. As a Junior now in college, preparring to head off to law school, these interests and passions have of course changed. In what way, I'm still not sure. But you can bet this blog will be a great place to find out.

Until next time, which I promise will not be too long from now,
